Ulises Reyes Amador
Ulises is a Ph.D. student working on the ultimate models of AGN dust emission. After studying the best suited dust chemical composition​ (you can find his work in this paper), he is now working on producing a grid of AGN dusty torus emission introducing the dust geometrical distribution as a further parameter (i.e.: smooth, 2-phase, clumpy). He is working with the supervision of Omaira Gonzalez Martín (@IRyA) as well.

Mariana Rivas Sánchez.
Mariana is a Ph.D. student working on the validation of spectra synthesis models, coupling hydrodynamical simulations from the Illustrious TNG50 suite and radiative transfer with SKIRT. After simulating MUSE@VLT observations, she is applying the spectral synthesis code SINOPSIS to test the limitations and define the best setup to interpret such kind of data. She is working with the supervision of Maarten Baes (@UGent) as well.
Allan Calderini Castro​
Allan is a bachelor student at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH), who is calculating ionized gas emission in Simple Stellar Population models, so that this can be after included in the stellar spectra. This will take into account both non-thermal (free-free) continuum emission, and emission lines as well.
Natalia Osorio Quiroga
Natalia is a Master student working on the derivation of ionized gas and stellar population properties of galaxies in the group of M81. She is using data from the VIRUS-P fiber spectrograph at the Mc Donald observatory, taken in the frame of the Metal-THINGS collaboration, together with other multi-wavelength ancillary data.
Daniel Santiago Álvarez Córdoba
Santiago is a recent incorporation of the team. He has started the master at our institute and will work on the spatially resolved spectral properties of the nearby galaxy NGC 6946 in the frame of the Metal-THINGS project. He will focus on this galaxy in particular, to derive its stellar and gas properties and possibly relate them to the interstellar medium characteristics.
Ariana​ Elizabeth García Cerrato
Ariana is the new member of the team. She is a bachelor student at the UNAH, and will work on the multi-wavelength analysis of the nearby galaxy NGC 1275 using IFU data from the Metal-THINGS project, and other ancillary data as well.

Former Students
Osbaldo Sánchez García (Master -2019, Ph.D.). Graduated in 2024
Jesús Miguel Jáquez Domínguez (Master -2018, Ph.D.). Graduated in 2024
David Pérez Millan (Ph.D). Graduated in 2023
Ingrid Ivetthe Flores Ordoñes (Bachelor). Graduated in 2022
Yoganarashiman Venkatapatty (Post-Doc)
Iveth Adaena Gaspar Gorostieta (Master). Graduated in 2020
Quentin Salomé (Post-Doc)
Adán Ernesto Artola (Master). Graduated in 2019
Daniel Alejandro Pedraza Niño (Bachelor). Graduated in 2019
Sebastién Viaene (Master -2012, Ph.D). Graduated in 2016
Anna Feltre (Bachelor -2007, Master -2009, Ph.D.). Graduated in 2013
Joris Verstappen (Ph.D.). Graduated in 2013
Janos Braem (Master). Graduated in 2013
Gert de Geyter (Master). Graduated in 2011
Sebastiaan Vandewoude (Bachelor). Graduated in 2010.
Paolo Repetto (Master). Graduated in 2004.